The Sages of Rue de Montpensier believe that the five criteria necessary for consulting the French are not met. The popular initiative referendum (RIP) presented on March 13 by the LR parliamentarians, Éric Ciotti, Annie Genevard, and the two group presidents in the Assembly and the Senate, Olivier Marleix and Bruno Retailleau, did not pass the bar of constitutional review.

A five-point bill: condition the payment of non-contributory social benefits to a minimum length of stay in a legal situation (from thirty months to five years), transform state medical aid into emergency medical aid, remove the fare reductions provided for in public transport for foreigners in an irregular situation, include accommodation centers for foreigners. The Sages estimate that the RIP proposal did not meet one of the five. criteria required cumulatively to be able to be launched: the collection of 185 signatures of parliamentarians – in this case a point acquired since 125 senators and 65 deputies, and some non-registered ones competed.