Susanne Häusser has worked as a town hall secretary in Grafing for 43 years. She has served as secretary to four mayors in the district of Ebersberg.

She says she always tried to mediate and sometimes took things into her own hands. The possibility of working from home was added and more responsibility was given to women and families, she says. She also lived through and suffered through the digitization of the town hall, which she says was a breath of fresh air and female power at the beginning of her career. Now retired, she wants to go on a nice trip with her husband Charly and is happy to have more time for her grandchildren.. She saw the politicians come and go: Susanne HÄusser was town hall. secretary in. Grafing under four mayors – now retirement beckons.. The fact that the office, the burden and responsibility as mayor can be observed again in Eberberg can be seen again in the city of Grafing, says HÅusser.