Since January 1, a new sorting - that of bio-waste - has become compulsory for professionals and individuals alike. According to a recent Ifop study for the collection operator Sepur, for nearly 9 out of 10 French people, sorting their waste on a daily basis is easy.

However, the majority of respondents admit to having doubts “sometimes” (42%) about choosing the right trash can. Only a small majority of French people (51%) feel sufficiently informed. “There are still efforts to be made! we say to the Ecological Transition Agency (Ademe). We must continue to communicate about the consequences of not sorting: all this has a cost!” says Ademe. According. to the latest Ademe report, 41.3 million tonnes of waste…   “ The French have not yet all adopted the right actions.” “We need to be more aware of the impact of our actions,” adds Ademe’s spokesperson.