Sanctions by force, also to contain Israel, are the strategy of the G7 Foreign Affairs meeting in Capri. The sanctions will target individuals and companies in Iran that are involved in the production, sale, and delivery of missiles and drones used both in Ukraine and against Israel.

Will it be a sufficient strategy to 'punish' and discourage Tehran and limit Israeli retaliation? Preceded by American and British sanctions against Iran, the G7, which also wants to convey a message of unity among democracies, hopes so. But the alarm is high: summarizing the sentiment that prevails, the head of EU diplomacy Josep Borrell warned that "we are on the brink of a regional war in the Middle East, which would cause shock waves in the rest of the world. " Italy, faithful to its foreign policy in constant search for peace, as reiterated once again by Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, relentlessly tries to defuse the bomb in the Near East. "Iran must be isolated. And at the same time, there must be no further escalation."