President Javier Milei's "silence" to reinforce the plan of Santiago Caputo and Guillermo Francos. The Government is confident of being able to reverse the measure of force.

"You can't negotiate with these people, it's the fable of the frog and the scorpion," said a senior government source. The strategy of calming the waters was a contrast to what had been heard on Thursday, at least off the microphone, writes Héctor Hélder. The first official reaction had been to very strongly question the general strike, says Héber. The rest of the Cabinet chose not to confront and remained silent, Hémber adds. the Government circulated due to its intention to maintain an extremely low profile, gave the order not to further strain the bond with the unions. Those who spoke with the president in the last few hours confided to Clarín that they heard him “calm” and convinced of sticking to a dialogue strategy. The one who gave the official word was Guiller Mo Francos, who recovered the link with the CGT in recent weeks.