The Government announced this Friday that it will definitely not build a camp to welcome immigrants on the land of the Armilla air base (Granada) The Government delegate in Andalusia, Pedro Fernández, said the land "does not meet the conditions" The refusals of the town councils of Alhendín and Armilla have been based on urban planning regulations and also on the fact that both town councils understood that it was not a suitable location to accommodate 1,200 migrants. According to the mayors, local urban planning legislation classifies the 10 hectares of land transferred to Migrations as rural land, which prevents construction on them.

The popular Francisco Rodríguez complained of “disloyalty” of the Government because he assured that he had not been warned by the Ministry of Migration nor had “the mandatory municipal permits” been requested. This Friday, with the Government's resignation already known, Rodriguez "celebrated" the decision and thanked "the union between town councils"