The government intends to encourage the exit from social housing of tenants who have “significantly exceeded the income ceilings” Guillaume Kasbarian, the Minister for Housing, said in an interview with the newspaper Les Echos. More than 8% of HLM tenants would no longer be eligible for social housing if they applied for one today, he said.

The minister also committed to maintaining “the target objectives of 20 to 25% of social housing” in the municipalities concerned by the SRU law (Solidarity and urban renewal), the upcoming reform of which has given rise to many concerns. The text must also give more power to mayors in the allocation of social Housing or in the decision to sell it, detailed Guillaumes Kasbarians. The bill will be presented to the Council of Ministers in May, for examination in the Senate in June. It intends to require social landlords to carry out a regular and obligatory assessment of “ the personal, financial and property situation” of socialhousing tenants.