The Maison du folklore de Champagne launched the “Ailleville most beautiful village in Aube’ operation three years ago. With nearly a thousand members, the association has different sections which organize events to preserve Champagne folklore, revive the Champagne language and beautify the nearby town of Bar-sur-Aube.

The association will even publish the Tintin album “The Jewels of the Castafiore” in the Champ champagne language. “It’s the most French book in the collection,” laughs Brice Roborel de Climens, who confides that the comic strip should be released before the end of the year. The vote on the Molac law in 2021 (which notably makes it possible to learn regional languages in schools), also pushed the association to take “an extra effort” to promote theChampagne language. The idea is to “develop Little Moscow economically and socially while enlivening it”.