Yaakov Etzildaev is the founder of "Yasha's Tree" furniture company. The company produces furniture for children using the Montessori approach.

Products include a climbing wall, a swing, a play kitchen, a learning tower and a gymboree. Yasha: "We are here to make all dreams come true. Every piece of furniture and item I produce, I produce it with my girls. Every new game and accessory we learn and develop from. Many products that go up on the site are products that we created for the customers and vice versa, there are cases where the customer comes and gets inspiration from the designs on the level of the design and the product mix" The company is located in Holon in a space of about 300 square meters, including a carpentry and a warehouse and over 10 loyal and talented employees who gave him their back and enabled the company's continued activity while he was in the reserves in Gaza. The Pickler Triangle is a fun and engaging multi-purpose climbing device. It is named after a Hungarian pediatrician named Emi Pickler.