The President received a document put together by the Ministry of Security that raised 13 "vulnerabilities" detected during his travels, threats of attacks, risks, and problems in the operation of its custody. The document raises 13 points of possible conflict that the President faces when using commercial flights.

Mauricio Macri had received a similar warning during his administration, when he had chosen not to resort to private planes when the Tango 01 became obsolete. The report, which the Secretary General of the Presidency, Karina Milei, has on her desk and which she will use to make changes in the logistical area of the Military House, recalls that since his inauguration on December 10, the president "has received different violent messages and threats to attack their lives and surroundings." And he points out a recent episode, prior to the trip he made to Miami, when the legend "EZE-Missing in Action" appeared on the website where he had to check in, referring to the flight he had been on. A person with aggressive pathology, with loss of emotional balance, constitutes a latent danger that could directly affect the presidential physical integrity. The official flights, with their own machines, operate from bases designated for this purpose, with a very high level of security and operation according to the presidential needs. The combination of means of transportation is difficult, between linking the descent of passengers with the vehicles of the presidential team and custody, and the reception and/or dispatch of luggage. The president may be subject to uncontrolled actions on them. The possibility of modifying the commercial flight plan according to demands of new elements of judgment, which generate the prompt need to modify the course of the flight. There is no prior information to check and verify the technical and personal reliability, based on the role of proximity and knowledge of the president's movements.