The United States put an end to the Palestinians' tiny hope of full membership in the United Nations on Thursday April 18. The Americans believe that the UN is not the place for the recognition of a Palestinian state, which according to them should be the result of an agreement with Israel.

The draft resolution presented by Algeria, which.recommends to the General Assembly that the State of Palestine be admitted as a member of the United Nations, received 12 votes for, 1 against, and 2 abstentions (United Kingdom and Switzerland). The United States, which did everything to delay the vote, did not hesitate to use its right of veto, which it regularly uses to protect its Israeli ally. “A PEACEFUL STATE, WHAT A JOKE! said Algerian Ambassador Amar Bendjama just before the vote. “Not waking up today would allow the continuation of injustice and impunity, an eternal shame, he said.