Independent video games are the most eclectic and groundbreaking creative pole in the world in this moment, says John Defterios. Independent video games conspire to send the message to the world that they will continue forward, he says.

Independent games are today the equivalent of the Avant-garde of the 20th, of the Impressionism of the 19th, says Defterio. The games that do not enter the eye in the same way that an exploration game with the best three-dimensional graphics can, but that already have an ontological seal of trust in their quality before leaving, are independent games, he adds, and they have a chance to be heard by the world. The game industry can change, but if it will never disappear, creativity will be, as Jurassic Park's Ian Malcolm said, “always makes its way its way,” he says, referring to the film's author, Richard Ayoade, who died last year. The independent games have said enough, says defterios, and we should not stop talking about them.