Peter Higgs, the discoverer of the so-called 'God particle', the Higgs boson, died in 2013. Higgs did not explain, indeed he really did not find, mass, matter itself.

'Materialism' has played a key role in the intellectual history of the West. The negative meaning with which many use the word materialism, for example, making it similar to expressions such as greedy and narrow-minded, is unfair. Matter has redeemed the psyche from materialism in music, George Harrison to material girl Madonna, writes Marco Mengoni in his book 'Ancient wisdom' and in the play 'The Falcon' by John Huston and Humphrey Bogart, says Nicola Gardini in his 'The 10 Latin words that tell the story of our world' Gardini and Onfray talk about Democritus, the atomist philosopher who lived between the 5th and 4th centuries BC, and his 'epiphany of the material body' and 'Causality is immanent and material'