Two cases of attacks on teenagers are shaking public opinion in France these days. One resulted in the unfortunate death of a 15-year-old boy after he disobeyed another young man's order not to talk to his sister.

The other victim is Samara, a student at a center in Montpellier, who has emerged from the coma to which she was taken by three minors who brutally beat her. According to her mother and her grandmother, the reason was that the girl dressed “in a European style.” It is not difficult to imagine what it means, for the fanatics, to dress like a good Muslim: not wearing makeup or letting your hair down, no tight clothing and not showing a single centimeter of skin. The control over Muslim girls in neighborhoods where Islam is the majority is constant and effective, and involves surrounding them and turning them into off-limits in the heart of the city. And not only in France, many Spanish Muslim women also live with the same fanatical and misogynistic vigilance.