The big Giro di Monaco charity run will take place on May 12, 2024. The goal: to bring 20,000 people, young and old, onto the streets to run together.

FC Bayern stars Thomas Müller and Herbert Hainer are prominent supporters. The Spider Murphy Gang even wants to play big on the day of the run, which is why frontman Günther Sigl came too. You can still register – and donate – until May 12th, when the goal is to raise 125,000 euros in donations. But be careful: the Giro shirts that participants receive when registering are limited. So it's worth registering early. The motto: “It only works together”. It is important to the association to stand up for diversity in society and against exclusion. The Giro Di Monaco is perfect for this. “When you play sports, you get incredibly closer to each other, no matter your religion or skin color,” says organizer Till Hofmann.