More than 400 people have reported problems with the supply to their homes. The head of Government, Martí Batres, recognized the presence of oils and lubricants in the water of some neighborhoods.

On April 10, the National Guard, Sacmex and the Civil Protection Secretariat closed and emptied a well in the Alfonso XIII neighborhood, in the Álvaro Obregón mayor's office, where the contamination supposedly came from. Pemex has entered into the investigation to determine if any of its facilities – a pipeline is located 500 meters from the well – is related, because the substance could be a petroleum derivative. Around 440,000 people live in Benito Juárez and more than a million come to work every day from other parts of the capital and the State of Mexico. In turn, the neighborhood committee has announced a collective lawsuit against the Government that will be formalized in the coming days. “We have no electoral motivations, from the first moment our interest has been to alert the authorities so that they respond and comply with their obligations,” said Cristina Montemayor.