Yifat Orlev, a green witch, communicator and Kabbalistic and Western numerologist, recommends spiritual rituals that you can perform before Passover to protect your home and the members of your household. In the world of green spells there are many rituals for internal cleaning and external cleaning.

There are certain spices that have symbols and properties of purification. A green ritual of placing a bunch of sage leaves, 5 cloves of garlic and 5 drops of olive oil on a hot pan, purifies the corners of the house. The burning of herbs and spices in "green" ceremonies are very important for purifying the home. An egg is the essence of life because it is the beginning of the formation of the animal's soul. With the breaking of the egg all the bad energy will leave me. Passover comes as a sign of leaving slavery to freedom and there is no more pleasant departure to freedom when our energy is cleansed and renewed to our freedom. Kosher, happy and quiet and happy Passover.