Two of the three most representative judicial associations have called for the renewal of the General Council of the Judicial Branch (CGPJ) The CGPJ's mandate expired five years ago. The APM and JJPD warn of the consequences of the “deterioration” and the damage of the blockade for the race and for citizens of Spain.

The two associations focus on the Congress and the Senate, since it is to the Cortes that the law entrusts the renewal to the CGP J. The association insists on the route set by the European Commission: first renew the C GPJ and then, reform the system of election of the judges, says the APM. The progressive, for its part, emphasizes that the current situation “harms society, legal professionals and the judicial organization, since multiple vacancies cannot be filled. It is time to renew and return to normality,” says the JJPD, which calls for “immediate plenary sessions to overcome the democratic anomaly”