Altenerdinger Rock Night took place for the 20th time on Saturday. More than 100 visitors were thrilled - and so were the organizers.

A mutual expansion of musical horizons and mixing of generations, instead of just serving a single genre in a die-hard group. The older ones provide the audience, the younger ones provided the various music on stage, which is always the idea of the now 20th rock night. The Erdingers proudly present their band's own dog tags and their respective insignia are a trademark of the band. It was nice that the musicians, including Altenerdingen rock veteran Klaus Kosney and the band “Byde”, quickly wrote a few sentences together about themselves. The number is named after the horror story of the same name by HP Lovecraft. The group knows how to heat up their home game so much that the windows at the back are thrown open. Even if some people wonder how singer Patrick Lemke can handle wearing a leather jacket and gloves in the heat, it just looks great.