Only a few months ago the world of Hollywood also stopped to ask for greater regulation for the production of images through artificial intelligence. A disruptive technology that infuriated actors such as Scarlett Johansson and Tom Hanks, whose fake deepfake created by AI ended up on social media to endorse products.

The goal of large technology companies is to facilitate more and more users to experience the potential of IAI, with the aim of building their loyalty. But the democratization of this technology increases critical issues, from copyright to fakes, from artificial intelligence to the use of fakes in the digital world. It is no coincidence that experts underlined to the American network CNBC that, in view of the elections to be held in 2024 in different parts of the world, the digital big names will have to raise their attention and introduce certain tools with which to distinguish the true from the false. According to rumors, Apple, Meta, Google and Amazon have entered into an agreement with Shuttershack, the platform for purchasing photos and videos online, to license millions of proprietary images.