Vladimir Fédorovski is a French writer of Russian-Ukrainian origin. His new book powerfully retraces the war led and lost by the French Emperor in the heart of the Empire led by Tsar Alexander I.

He draws a parallel between the errors of the leader of the Grande Armée and those committed today, according to him, by Westerners in the context of the war in Ukraine. This Saturday, April 13 on LCI, at 8:30 p.m., the writer presents his new book, in which he draws a parallels between Napoleon and Vladimir Putin. He insists on the Russian mentality, which, he assures, is the same yesterday and today. The fire of Moscow ordered by the governor of the city on September 15, 1812, symbolizes the power of Russian patriotism, he says. “I think that historical keys are essential to understanding what is currently happening in Ukraine,” warns Fé Dorovski, who will be received for an hour by Darius Rochebin, this Saturday.