reports that on Friday maximum temperatures will reach 28°C in Caserta, Taranto and Terni, 27 degrees also in Florence and Benevento. In Sardinia there will be 28 degrees spread across the internal areas of the island with some higher peaks, 28 degrees in Trento and 27° C in Ferrara.

The peak of the heat will be reached on Sunday when the skies will become overcast in the afternoon on the Major Islands. The next few hours will still see, marginally, maritime polar air descending from the Celtic Sea. Local rainfall is expected close to the central Apennines towards Lazio and Campania, some moments of residual instability in Lower Piedmont and Sardinia. Afterwards it will be again a month of April that will feel like June: lots of sun and almost summer even this weekend. Trend: prevailing sun until Monday then rapid weather change. In the north: all sun and warm weather. in the south: cloudy but warmer.