The Sun leaves Aries and enters Taurus. Mercury continues retrograde.

What does the second week of April have in store for the zodiac. Know the predictions for the 12 signs. Find out the weekly forecast for each zodiac sign. The weekly horoscope from April 15 to 21, 2024 shows the last days of the Sun in Aries. On Friday it enters the sign of Taurus and the Sun will be in tension with Pluto. The week will be conducive to nourishing your internal world. The Sun in your sign until Friday will allow you to have clarity about the things you want to improve in your lives. It is time to treat yourself with love and open yourself to the deserving of everything good and prosperous. Group and creative themes will have the green light. On Sunday, Jupiter and Uranus are inYour sign and thesun will be in tension. You will feel the invitation to a great personal renewal, letting go of forms, family and social burdens, taking the power of your experiences and appropriating your desire to live.