Since April 1st, cannabis is no longer considered a narcotic, but rather a prescription medication. For doctors, this means they can prescribe medical cannabis more easily.

Patients are already reporting that the treating doctor has pointed them to the possibility of growing their own cannabis. A real cannabis patient has little in common with a stoner who has fun, says Marc Ziemann, co-founder of the Association of German Cannabis Patients (BDCan) Anyone who is a cannabis patient and is dependent on the statutory health insurance company to cover the costs still faces obstacles. In order to get medical cannabis paid for, a separate application is required from the statutoryhealth insurance company. The Association of Cannabis Supplying Pharmacies (VCA) says there must be no mixing of patients and consumers. A joint is considered a healthier than a vaporizer because it heats without burning it without burning the lungs. It's completely different to consume cannabis because you want to or because you have to, says Ziem Mann.