According to several studies, men apologize much less than women and do it worse. Their threshold for what is offensive is higher and, furthermore, society does not expect them to apologize for it.

However, according to many experts, something is changing among the new generations. Men are learning to apologize more and women are trying to apologize less. In a healthy relationship it is important to learn to express what you feel. Only in this way will sincere forgiveness be obtained. Research called Exploration of the Structure of Effective Apologies has identified six traits of an effective apology: offering a regret, explaining what went wrong, acknowledging responsibility, expressing regret, expressing a solution and asking for forgiveness. It's worthless without a change behind it. Elton John must be corrected in this: The most difficult thing is not to say sorry but to assume why it has to be done. The study was published in European Journal of Apology and Psychotherapy, published by the European Association for the Study of Personality and Social Psychology.