Dietmar Woidke is the top candidate for the state elections in the fall. The 62-year-old received 122 votes during the list party conference on Saturday.

Four delegates voted against him; according to the SPD, the result corresponded to 97 percent of the votes. A new state parliament will be elected in Brandenburg on September 22nd. The SPD has ruled there since 1990 with changing partners, currently with the CDU and the Greens. The party wants to make the rent control more effective, increase the number of police officers to 9,000, increase funding for hospitals from 110 to 200 million euros per year and abolish parental contributions after daycare centers, including in daycare center and after-school care centers. The candidates up to number 87 on the state list were also confirmed on Saturday and the election program was also decided on its election program. The state leader also said that stability and security are poison for extremists of all stripes. “Right-wing extremism, racism and xenophobia have already caused enough damage to this country over the last 34 years,” he said.