Electric toothbrushes are more effective than manual ones when it comes to reducing plaque and gingivitis. Electric toothbrush offer consistent movements and can better reach hard-to-reach areas in the mouth.

They also often have features such as timers and pressure sensors that help optimize tooth brushing and reduce the risk of gum damage. Which electric toothbrush is the “best” depends on your own needs, preferences and budget. In a series of tests and reviews from 2024, some models stand out in different categories. Stiftung Warentest has named its sonic toothbrush as the best in the world for its cleaning and whitening performance. The iO-Sense technology analyzes and optimizes your brushing behavior into 16 zones and gives tips for more effective brushing. The toothbrush divides the oral cavity into 16 different cleaning zones. It also provides feedback via LEDs that show which areas have been well cleaned and where improvements need to be made. The brushing modes include daily cleaning, super sensitive, deep cleaning, whitening, deepening and charging.