A guy posted a video where he showed how you can tell the difference between cold and hot water without feeling it. Over 33 million people have already watched and were amazed by the video.

It turns out that there are differences in the sound that cold water makes compared to hot water when it is poured. A simple experiment involving a demonstration of pouring cold water and pouring hot water proved that it is even really easy to tell the Difference. Our brain has unconsciously learned to pick up the differences between the two sounds from all the hot and cold drinks we have heard being poured throughout our lives. The way temperature changes water—and virtually any liquid—has an effect on everything from global warming to the inside of our kitchen freezer, but scientists still don't understand all the secrets behind these phenomena. It's all about viscosity, or the thickness of the liquid. When it comes to water, you don't really see the difference, but you can hear it. So what do you do to prove it? Tiktoker uploaded a video that has gained over 33 million views in which he holds two glasses of water - cold and boiling.