A woman was attacked in a Parisian garden by an unbalanced vagabond. The man will be tried in May.

Eddy has already been convicted thirty-one times since 1990 for drugs, theft, violence, extortion, sexual exhibition, contempt and receiving stolen property. The prosecution requests, and obtains, that a psychiatric expertise be ordered pending its judgment on the merits which will be held on May 16. The prosecutor recalls that this case is a case of “gratuitous violence committed in the street” and emphasizes the seriousness of the criminal record. “I wanted to sexually assault this lady and if I am released, I will not appear before you,” Eddy said at the hearing. ‘Do you have health problems? », asks the president. � “Yes ma’am, I hear voices and especially yours today.” ‘I want to go to prison.’ ‘It’s better, given the serious of my case,’ he declares.