The passengers of the “Blue Fire Megacoaster” roller coaster from Europa Park, Germany, never arrived at their destination. Typically, the ride catapults passengers from 0 to 100 km/h in 2.5 seconds.

But without sufficient acceleration, the train was unable to overcome the first climb. “Rollbacks occur rarely and unpredictably. They are due to different factors, in this case technical reasons,” Europa Park indicates to our German colleagues. A small part of an LSM module was defective, so that the momentum and power of the magnets were not enough, park management says. The problem occurred four times, according to the German newspaper Badische Zeitung, and was fixed after a few minutes of maintenance. The park boasts five million visitors per year, 25% of whom are French, and has "European Quarters" representing the culture of the countries, roller coasters, a water park, hotels and a conference center, among other attractions.