The rules that apply when the green arrow is visible can cause confusion for drivers. If the traffic light is red, drivers must stop at the stop line.

If it is a light signal in the form of a green arrow, the situation is different. Drivers are allowed to turn without first stopping if the arrow does not light up. A second stop on the line of sight is also required if the road is not clearly visible from the traffic lights. The penalty for not following the rules depends on the violation and whether other road users were endangered. In Flensburg, there will now also be a green Arrow for cyclists to turn right. To do this, they must be on a cycle path or cycle lane. The green arrow can then only apply to cyclists. The fine for not complying with the rules can be up to 180 euros. It is also illegal to use the right lane to turn in a red traffic light with green arrow. The penalties for this are 15 euros, 35 euros or 70 euros.