The next speed camera marathon is scheduled for April. But drivers are not checked equally in every federal state - an overview.

In a total of five federal states, road users have to expect increased speed controls during “Speed Week” plus a speed camera Marathon on April 19th. In Baden-Württemberg, for example, drivers have to prepare for both events - both the ‘Speed week’ and the “speed camera marathon’ Bavaria, on the other hand, is skipping the actual “ speed week”, but there will be more lasering on the day of the marathon. In order to avoid high fines and penalties, drivers should always adhere to the speed limits. In some cities, such as Heilbronn, citizens can also vote for themselves where the speed traps should be set up. However, the alternative campaign “Blitz for Kids” is being planned in Saxony. Increased controls are being planned for this year, but the date for this is not yet known.