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More than 1,000 athletes dead from cardiac arrest post-Covid vaccination? Pay attention to this figure that circulates


Two researchers suggest a number of “1,598 athletes” who have suffered a cardiac arrest since the start of vaccination against Covid, do

Elon Musk himself believes that this is “certainly worth further investigation”.

The new boss of Twitter responded on Tuesday evening to a user relaying a number of "1,598 cardiac arrests in athletes since January 2021" worldwide, against "29 per year on average before vaccination (against Covid-19)".

Certainly worth further investigation

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 4, 2023

A comparison which aims to imply that vaccines are dangerous, much taken up by the “antivax” community, but which is not based on anything serious.

The Parisian takes stock.

Where does this count come from?

Originally a “letter to the editor” written by two doctors, Panagis Polykretis and Peter A. McCullough, dated November 19 and then published on December 21.

They state that “1,598 athletes have suffered a cardiac arrest, of which 1,101 have died”, since the start of vaccination against Covid-19.

However, "during the previous 38 years (1966-2004), 1,101 athletes under the age of 35 died, or about 29 per year", they add.

For them, the proof is made that vaccines lead to a very significant increased risk of heart problems, including fatal ones.

This recent paper from Dr. Polykretis and myself gets the sharp rise in athlete deaths into PUBMED.

Since vaccination, "1598 athletes suffered cardiac arrest, 1101 of which with deadly outcome. Over a prior 38-years (1966-2004), 1101 athletes < age of 35 died (~29/yr). /lGWFctLx2L

— Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH™ (@P_McCulloughMD) January 3, 2023

This count actually comes from another listing, published on the site.

This publishes “a non-exhaustive and constantly growing list of, mainly, young athletes who had major medical problems in 2021/2022 after having received one or more vaccines against Covid”.

With a month and a half of additional time, the site lists this January 4 1,616 “cardiac arrests”, including 1,114 fatal.

Who is Peter A. McCullough?

This American cardiologist has made a name for himself over the past two years through particularly contested remarks concerning Covid-19.

In a video published in July 2021, he claimed in particular during a seminar organized by the Marseille IHU, led by Didier Raoult until last September, that there had been

"more deaths and injuries from injections"

related to vaccines than Covid in the United States.

Which is false, AFP had demonstrated.

"It's the American Didier Raoult, but worse", severely judges a scientist.

Peter A. McCullough is also one of those whose Twitter account had been suspended for misinformation… before being reinstated by decision of Elon Musk, in the name of freedom of expression.

What about the count made?

The publication published on the googscienting site is described as a “rag” by several researchers interviewed.

The tone of the introductory text is, moreover, clearly antivax.

“The so-called health professionals who run Covid vaccination programs around the world keep

saying that the Covid vaccine is a normal vaccine and that it is safe and effective

”, can we for example read there.

Read alsoCovid-19: how sports cardiac arrests are used by antivax

“One of the most important points in science is the source of the data used.

There, it is not reliable, ”slices epidemiologist Mahmoud Zureik, head of the Epi-Phare group, which has notably produced several reports on the risks of myocarditis and pericarditis post-Covid vaccination.

For each athlete who has suffered from a “serious disorder” identified, the site displays one or more links to media relating to their story.

At no time is there any mention of a link with vaccination.

Conversely, “the cause of death has not been identified”, can we read in several articles.

…and the comparison with the pre-Covid years?

The “letter to the editor”, for its part, compares this more than wobbly count with that of 1,101 sudden deaths of athletes under 35 between 1966 and 2004, or 29 per year on average.

This comes from a previous study, published in December 2006 in the European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation.

But there too, this has no basis.

First of all, this number of 1,101 deaths corresponds only to cases identified and investigated in detail (age, sex, sport practiced, etc.), so it is largely underestimated.

“In France, it is estimated that 500 to 1,000 athletes die suddenly of a heart problem each year.

The study in question reports an incidence rate of 2 per 100,000 among those under 35, which would make around 500 in France, so it is consistent, ”explains Mahmoud Zureik.

"From the moment an article is based on sources and hypotheses that are not sourced and not scientifically validated and that the whole conclusion comes from this comparison, it is null and void", decides the public health researcher.

“The two authors also say that the unvaccinated are not at risk of suffering from myocarditis.

Yet even those infected are known to be at higher risk than the vaccinated.

It is, very clearly, an article of disinformation”, abounds Antoine Flahault, director of the Institute of global health of Geneva.

Source: leparis

All life articles on 2023-01-05

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