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What are the expected achievements at the end of each grade of primary school?


A group of experts made a guide with the minimum knowledge in reading, writing and Mathematics that students should acquire in each school year. Check them.

At the end of

1st grade

, and when the family is already thinking about the holidays, the student

should be able to write his name, those of his friends

, as well as

write and understand short sentences


Or use initial capital letter for proper nouns.

In Math, you should be able to

count to 100, add, and subtract with those numbers


or distinguish the difference between a day, a week, a month and a year.

He achieves it?

By the end of

3rd grade

you should be able to

fluently read a short story aloud


Also, tell the story you read, as well as

write your own short story

, using punctuation well.

You would need to be able to

count to 10,000

and decompose and compose numbers up to four digits (eg, say that 2,357 equals 2,000 + 300 + 50 + 7 or 2,300 + 57).

He achieves it?

A school in Mendoza at the beginning of the 2023 school year. Photo: Orlando Pelichotti

By the end of 7th grade, our student, who is leaving elementary school behind, should be able to

understand a

long informational or argumentative text with various points of view, as well as write a text with the same characteristics.

And in Mathematics, you would have to be able to solve problems that involve

one or more resolution steps


as well as using

multiples and divisors

to solve problems.

He achieves it?

Last week, an investigation showed that, in Argentina, only 4 out of 10 students manage to finish primary school on time and with this minimum level of knowledge.

Now, a group of experts -nucleated in the Coalition for Education- set itself the goal of reviewing -on the basis of

current curricular documents

in the country- what are

the expected goals in Language (reading and writing) and Mathematics

in each one. of the elementary grades.

The idea, they say, is that parents can have

a kind of guide

that allows them to know how their child is doing and if, perhaps, he is falling behind in some key knowledge that later makes it difficult for him to continue advancing in school.

They seek to strengthen the role of parents in the education of their children.


“We plan to make a contribution to

strengthen the role of parents

in monitoring their children's learning, of course they can also be grandparents, uncles or friends.

The guide reflects the curriculum of each of the educational levels, which are generally very long texts, written in a technical language that excludes all those who are not specialists in education", explains to Clarín the specialist Guillermina Tiramonti,


of the authors of the guide, together with Ana María Borzone, Gustavo Zorzoli, Florencia Salvarezza, Verónica Tobeña and Patricia Piccolini.

“These achievements are

the minimum, minimum


And many do not reach it because the educational system is

broken in terms of methodological systems

: the teacher lost the role of the teacher who teaches to be the one who distributes knowledge, when we know that children -especially in the first grades-

must be taught

”, adds Florencia Salvarezza, a specialist in Linguistics from MIT, the INECO Foundation and a professor at the University of the City.

She is one of those who

took care of the area of ​​reading and writing


From the Coalition for Education -a group of experts, parents, teachers and representatives of organizations- point out that

"as parents, or adults in general, we can contribute to the fact that

the state of affairs does not become natural

if we know

what are the expected achievements when finish each grade and we take an active role


“A simple question: 'what did you learn this week?'

or a specific request: 'Would you read me a story?', 'Would you measure the ingredients to make this cake?'

they can reinforce the sense of what is learned at school and the value of that learning”,

say the Coalition, which in addition to the authors of the guide includes Juan Llach, Susana Decibe, Inés Aguerrondo, Mónica Marquina, Horacio Moavro, Claudia Romero, Manuel Álvarez Thonge, Marcelo Rabossi and Paula Insani, among others.

The reasons for a failure

Why a high percentage of Argentine students do not reach the minimum educational achievements set?

What are the keys to improve?

Florencia Salvarezza answers about reading and writing, her specialty.

“The only way to improve is

to work directly on reading and writing


The human brain is not prepared to read.

Children need to learn to read and for that they need someone to teach them”, says the researcher.

Language and Mathematics are core disciplines for primary school.


Gustavo Zorzoli, former rector of the Nacional de Buenos Aires and with an extensive career as a Mathematics teacher, dealt with the area of ​​numbers in the Coalition's work, although he also emphasized the literacy deficit.

"Today Mathematics is taught fundamentally from problem solving and therefore the situations that are presented to children

very often involve reading and interpreting texts

from which data must be extracted to find a solution that accounts for of what is asked ”, he explains to



“In addition, for a long time we have fallen into a

contempt for the use of memory

, associated with this idea that all the information is available there at a click away on electronic devices, an erroneous concept that has wreaked havoc in elementary school ”, he adds.

“We must bear in mind that the school develops its activity within the framework of a society in which

two out of three children are poor,

according to UNICEF.

It is necessary to re-evaluate, and not only all students, but

also teachers and educational institutions

at all levels of compulsory education, and particularly those for teacher training.

We must agree in a plural way

on a medium-term work plan

that transcends one, two or three governments ”, he affirms.

"If we want the system to improve, it is necessary to do what Mendoza and now San Luis are implementing: training, monitoring, materials based on research," adds Ana María Borzone, an expert in linguistic and cognitive development at Conicet.

The Guide

What follows is the complete guide prepared by the experts of the Coalition for Education.

In each new degree it is presumed that the achievements of the previous ones have already been achieved.



Reading and writing

  • Can you write your name and the names of your friends?

  • Can you read short sentences and understand them?

  • Can you write short sentences?

  • Do you use an initial capital letter for proper nouns?

  • Does he write words correctly, without missing or extra letters?


  • Can you count to 100?

  • Can you read and write the numbers you know?

    Can you add and subtract with those numbers?

  • If you have to move up or down the squares of a board game as dictated by the dice: are you doing it correctly?

  • Can you tell the difference between a day, a week, a month and a year?



Reading and writing

  • Can you read a short text and understand it?

  • Can you tell someone else what you read?

  • Do you read with intonation, using punctuation, question and exclamation marks?

  • Can you write a short text dictated by someone?

  • Can you write a short text based on a topic proposed by someone else or chosen freely?

  • Do you write sentences with a capital letter and a period at the end?

  • Do you recognize in a story what is the beginning, the knot or problem and the end or resolution of the problem?

  • Can you make up and write your own stories?

  • Do you use r / rr correctly?

  • Do you know the rules for the use of gue, gui, que, qui?


  • Can you count to 1000?

    Can you read and write the numbers you know?

  • Can you add and subtract within those amounts?

  • Can you mentally figure out how many packs of figurines you can buy with X sum of money?

  • Can you calculate double and half an amount?

  • Given two objects: can you identify which is longer? and which is heavier?

A primary school in Río Negro.




Reading and writing

  • Can you read a short story?

    If you read it aloud, is it fluent?

  • Can you tell a story you read?

  • Can you write a short story?

  • Can you write a summary or short story about a personal experience?

  • When writing, do you use capital letters, periods, and commas to number?

  • Do you recognize the topic of a text you read?

  • Do you write correctly?

  • Do you use punctuation well?

  • Can you locate information in a text?

    For example, the appearance of a character or a specific place.


  • Can you count to 10,000?

    Can you read and write the numbers you know?

  • Can you decompose and compose numbers up to four digits, such as saying that 2357 equals 2000 + 300 + 50 + 7 or 2300 + 57?

  • Can you read and write the numbers you know?

    Can you add and subtract with those numbers?

  • Can you mentally solve simple calculations such as 800 + 2200, 3000 + 770, 5000 - 200, or 3000 - 999?

    Add and subtract using vertical or stop count?

  • Do you use multiplication tables to solve calculations like 5 x 12?

    Do you know by heart some of the simpler multiplication tables such as those for 2, 5, 4 or 10?

  • Can you solve situations in which, for example, you have to divide 120 objects equally between 6 or group 250 objects by 5?

  • Can you read the time on a clock hands?

    Can you use, in an equivalent way, expressions like “9 and 45” and “10 minus a quarter”?

    Can you tell what time the clock will say in half an hour or what time the clock said 2 hours ago?

  • Do you recognize squares, rectangles, triangles and circles?

    Does it use the number of sides or vertices as information?

    Can you copy squares, rectangles, and triangles on graph paper using a ruler or square?



Reading and writing

  • Can you write longer and more complex texts?

    For example, can you narrate a movie, a series, a piece of news, an event?

  • Do you use punctuation well?

  • Do you have a relatively rich vocabulary?

    For example, do you use, when appropriate, said, affirmed, pointed, exclaimed, etc. instead of always said?

  • Do you read fluently and with intonation?

  • Can you locate specific information in a text?

    For example, the appearance of a character, the moment when it is discovered that one of the protagonists has lied, the dialogue that shows that a decision has been made.


  • Do you know and use numbers up to 100,000?

    Can you read and write the numbers you know?

  • Can you mentally solve simple calculations such as 80,000 + 3254 or 30,000 - 1500?

    Can you solve problems involving addition or subtraction?

    Can you mentally multiply by 10, 100, or 1000?

    Do you know how to multiply by two-digit numbers, such as 25 x 384?

    Do you know how to divide by two-digit numbers, such as 492 : 12?

  • Do you use fractions and simple decimal expressions such as ¼, ½, 0.5, 0.75, or 1.5, associated with units such as the liter, meter, centimeter, or kilogram?

  • Can you divide 5 sandwiches equally among four friends or two pizzas among eight family members and express the result as a fraction?

    Can you compare two simple fractions and know which is greater or less?

  • Do you know how many quarters you need to have $1, $2, or 50 cents?

    Can you express that operation with decimal numbers?

  • Can you build a circle with a compass from the data of its radius or its diameter?

  • Do you know how to use the set square to construct a right angle of 90°?

    Can you use a protractor to measure acute or obtuse angles?



Reading and writing

  • Can you fluently read texts of a certain complexity?

  • Do you know and can you identify the structural parts of a text or book (title, subtitles, main text and secondary text, image captions, indexes) and their function?

  • Do you write short stories respecting spelling and syntactic rules?

  • Can you write paragraphs using punctuation marks appropriately?

  • In your writings, do you use a rich and precise vocabulary?

    Does it correctly use connectors such as although, although, therefore, however, etc.)?

  • Do you make summaries, comparative tables, files, notes, etc., as part of your study strategy?


  • Do you know and use numbers up to 1,000,000?

    Can you read and write the numbers you know?

  • Can you decompose and compose numbers, such as saying that 52,357 equals 5 x 10,000 + 2 x 1000 + 3 x 100 + 5 x 10 + 7?

  • Can you mentally multiply or divide by 50, 200, or 6000?

    Do you know how to multiply by two or three digit numbers, such as 425 x 2456?

    Can you divide by two or three digit numbers, such as 6000 : 125?

    Multiply and divide using vertical or stop count?

  • Do you use fractions and decimal expressions associated with units such as the liter, the meter, the centimeter or the kilogram?

    Can you compare two fractions and know which is greater or less?

  • Can you add or subtract simple fractions, such as 3/4 + 1/8?

    Can you find the fraction of a quantity like 3/8 of 2000?

  • Can you order three or more decimal numbers such as 0.5, 0.75, and 0.125?

  • Can you add or subtract two quantities with decimal numbers, for example 1.5 m + 2.25 m?

  • Do you know the equivalences between different units of measurement, such as that 1 kg is equal to 1000 g or 1 meter is equal to 100 cm, and can you solve problems with them?

  • Can you build a triangle with a ruler and compass and recognize the base and height?

  • Can you distinguish different types of triangles, such as equilateral, isosceles or rectangles?

    Do you know that the sum of its interior angles is equal to 180°?

  • Can you calculate the perimeter of a figure from the measurements of its sides?

  • Do you use strategies to solve problems of daily life that involve direct proportionality, such as calculating how many packages of 5 figurines can be made with the contents of 9 boxes of 600 figurines each?



Reading and writing

  • Can you independently face Internet searches to solve school tasks or daily life concerns?

  • Can you read a novel or long story and make an account of what you read?

  • Can you structure a written text to tell a story?

  • Can you write an argumentative text?


  • Do you know and use the natural numbers and can you read and write them?

  • Do you recognize divisors and multiples of a whole number and can you use them to solve a problem with the following?

    In how many ways can a class of 24 students be divided into groups of more than 3 members?

  • Multiply and divide whole numbers using vertical or stop counting?

  • Can you mentally multiply or divide by 80, 400, 5,000, or 2,000?

  • Can you solve combined calculations, such as 50 + 8 x 2500 + (200 + 4000) : 5?

  • ¿Puede comparar dos o más fracciones y ordenarlas de menor a mayor o al revés?
  • ¿Puede sumar o restar fracciones como por ejemplo 3/4 + 2/5? ¿Puede multiplicar dos fracciones para calcular los 3/8 de 2/5?
  • ¿Sabe sumar y restar números decimales? ¿Puede multiplicar dos números decimales, como por ejemplo 1,5 x 2,25? ¿Puede hallar cuál es la medida de una cuerda que se obtuvo dividiendo una soga de 5 metros en 8 partes iguales o calcular el promedio de sus notas en cuatro asignaturas?
  • ¿Conoce las equivalencias entre las distintas unidades de medida de longitud, como por ejemplo que 1 km = 100.000 cm o 1 m = 0,001 km y puede resolver problemas con ellas?
  • ¿Puede construir con regla y compás distintos cuadriláteros (cuadrado, rectángulo, rombo o paralelogramo) a partir de diferentes datos como las medidas de lados o ángulos? ¿Sabe que la suma de sus ángulos interiores de estas figuras es igual a 360°?
  • ¿Sabe calcular el perímetro y el área de estas figuras a partir de las medidas de sus lados?

7mo. grado

Lectura y escritura

  • ¿Comprende un texto informativo o argumentativo extenso y complejo con varios puntos de vista?
  • ¿Puede escribir un texto con diversos puntos de vista para argumentar acerca de un tema?
  • ¿Al escribir respeta la estructura del texto?, ¿se puede seguir el hilo del pensamiento?


  • ¿Conoce y usa los números naturales y puede leerlos, escribirlos y compararlos?
  • ¿Puede resolver problemas que involucren uno o más pasos de resolución?
  • ¿Usa múltiplos y divisores para la resolución de problemas, tales como encontrar un número mayor que 300 que sea divisible por 4 y 5 y múltiplo de 3?
  • ¿Puede comparar, ordenar, sumar, restar, multiplicar y dividir fracciones y expresiones decimales? Por ejemplo: ¿qué bolsa pesa más, la que tiene 2,5 kg de papas y 3/4 kg de cebollas o la que tiene 1,5 kg de zanahorias y 3/2 kg de batatas?
  • ¿Puede construir cuadrados, rectángulos, rombos y paralelogramos a partir de ciertas informaciones y explorar construcciones de polígonos regulares de más de cuatro lados?
  • ¿Sabe averiguar la medida de los ángulos interiores de un triángulo o un cuadrilátero a partir de sus propiedades? Por ejemplo, calcular la medida de los ángulos interiores de un paralelogramo sabiendo que uno de ellos mide 70°.
  • Can you compare and measure the area of ​​different straight-sided figures?

    For example: what is the area of ​​a rhombus whose diagonals measure 15 cm and 20 cm?

  • Do you know the equivalences between the different units of measurement of length, weight and capacity, such as 1 l = 1000 ml or 1 g = 0.001 kg, and can you solve problems with them?

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Only 4 out of 10 students finish primary school on time and with an acceptable level

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Source: clarin

All life articles on 2023-03-15

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