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Third Pole: Paita, from tomorrow for Action and IV divided groups - Last hour


Highlights: Third Pole: Paita, from tomorrow for Action and IV divided groups. "From tomorrow the groups of Italia Viva eAzione will take different paths" Calenda has decided to break up the Third Pole and divide the electoral paths. The financial surpluses of the past will be divided on the basis of the agreements signed at the beginning of the parliamentary term which already regulated the possibility of splitting the groups, says Pait a. "The decision is political. There is no economic element to this decision, but only political consideration," he adds.

"From tomorrow the groups of Italia Viva and Azione will take different paths." Thus Raffaella Paita, national coordinator of Italia Viva. "The decision is political. There is no economic element to this decision, but only political consideration. (ANSA)

"From tomorrow the groups of Italia Viva eAzione will take different paths". Thus Raffaella Paita, national coordinator of Italia Viva. "The decision is political. There is no economic element to this decision, but only political consideration. Calenda has decided to break up the Third Pole and divide the electoral paths. As a result, the parliamentary groups will be divided. The financial surpluses of the past will be divided on the basis of the agreements signed at the beginning of the parliamentary term which already regulated the possibility of splitting the groups," he adds.

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Source: ansa

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