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'Chico Forti very excited', the story of the person who spoke to us - News


Highlights: 'Chico Forti very excited', the story of the person who spoke to us - Andrea Di Giuseppe, Fdi deputy, a one-year job (ANSA) Forti as soon as possible in Italy, the government accelerates - News - Sentence in Corte Trento, then in Chico life imprisonment under Italian laws (ANsa) Did Forti expect this acceleration after negative responses had arrived in previous years? "We worked in silence for a year so as not to deceive him"

Andrea Di Giuseppe, Fdi deputy, a one-year job (ANSA)

"An incredible emotion."

This is how Andrea Di Giuseppe, Fdi deputy elected in North America who spoke with Chico Forti, describes his reaction to the announcement of his transfer to Italy.

"The news - says Di Giuseppe - was given to him directly by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on the telephone, it was a surprise for him, he didn't expect it".

For further information Agenzia ANSA Forti as soon as possible in Italy, the government accelerates - News - Sentence in Corte Trento, then in Chico life imprisonment under Italian laws (ANSA)

Did Forti expect this acceleration after negative responses had arrived in previous years?

"We worked in silence for a year so as not to deceive him and arrive at this result. The facts are achieved by working without proclamations or anticipations."

How long will it take to move from Florida to Italy?

"I can't give a timeframe. Once the political work is finished, now there will be a formal process. We will have to wait until he is first transferred to a US federal prison, only then will he be able to return to Italy. We're talking about weeks, it won't be something that lasts a few days" , concludes the Fdi deputy.

Reproduction reserved © Copyright ANSA

Source: ansa

All life articles on 2024-03-02

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