Lorenzo Simonelli won silver in the 60 meters hurdles at the World Indoor Athletics Championships underway in Glasgow.
The Italian finished behind the American Grant Holloway.
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Highlights: Lorenzo Simonelli won silver in the 60 meters hurdles at the World Indoor Athletics Championships underway in Glasgow. The Italian finished behind the American Grant Holloway. Simonelli finished behind Holloway in 60m hurdles at World Championships. (HANDLE). (Handsome) (Handedle) (Handling) Handling: Indoor World Championships, Simonelli silver in 60 hurdles - Last hour. Handling. Athletics: Ind Olympic World Championships,. Simonelli gold in 60 m hurdles - last hour.
Lorenzo Simonelli won silver in the 60 meters hurdles at the World Indoor Athletics Championships underway in Glasgow. The Italian finished behind the American Grant Holloway. (HANDLE). (HANDLE)
Lorenzo Simonelli won silver in the 60 meters hurdles at the World Indoor Athletics Championships underway in Glasgow.
The Italian finished behind the American Grant Holloway.
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