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Head-on collision in Vasto on the Adriatica, three dead and one injured - News


Highlights: Head-on collision in Vasto on the Adriatica, three dead and one injured. The impact occurred in the evening along State Road 16 near the Casarza car park. According to an initial reconstruction, for reasons still under investigation, a Jeep Renegade and a BMW coupe collided. A fourth person was injured in the collision, the firefighters and the police intervened on site for rescue. (HANDLE. 118, Reproduction reserved © Copyright ANSA.

The impact occurred in the evening along State Road 16 near the Casarza car park. (HANDLE)

Three people died in a road accident that occurred in the evening along State Road 16, near the Municipality of Vasto, near the Casarza car park.

According to an initial reconstruction, for reasons still under investigation, a Jeep Renegade and a BMW coupe collided.

A fourth person was injured in the collision.

118, the firefighters and the police intervened on site for rescue.

Reproduction reserved © Copyright ANSA

Source: ansa

All life articles on 2024-03-02

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