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Melons to Trudeau, let's avoid an escalation in the Middle East - Last hour


Highlights: Melons to Trudeau, let's avoid an escalation in the Middle East - Last hour. "There are many results of the Japanese presidency of the G7 that I will carry forward with the Italian presidency, on artificial intelligence, on the Indo-Pacific, on support for Ukraine, and then there is the Middle Eastern crisis, very difficult: we need to talk a lot," he says. Prime Minister GiorgiaMeloni said this in the first moments of the bilateral meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Toronto.

"There are many results of the Japanese presidency of the G7 that I will carry forward with the Italian presidency, on artificial intelligence, on the Indo-Pacific, on support for Ukraine, and then there is the Middle Eastern crisis, very difficult: we need to talk a lot ... (ANSA)

"There are many results of the Japanese presidency of the G7 that I will carry forward with the Italian presidency, on artificial intelligence, on the Indo-Pacific, on support for Ukraine, and then there is the Middle Eastern crisis, very difficult: we need to talk a lot, we must avoid the escalation of the conflict, and I also discussed it yesterday with President Joe Biden."

Prime Minister GiorgiaMeloni said this in the first moments of the bilateral meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Toronto.

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Source: ansa

All life articles on 2024-03-02

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