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March 8: Alexa will respond to insults with ActionAid data - March 8


Highlights: March 8: Alexa will respond to insults with ActionAid data - March 8. To raise awareness of verbal violence. Users will be able to listen to information and insights related to this phenomenon, simply by saying 'Alexa, have your say' According to the latest data from ActionAid, among women who are facing a path out of violence, 66.7% have suffered physical violence. Out of 800 boys and girls interviewed by Ipsos, 27% say they suffer from psychological distress after the incident.

To raise awareness of verbal violence (ANSA)

Every day Alexa receives millions of questions and requests from customers around the world.

Unfortunately, among these there are also offenses and insults.

On the occasion of March 8, Women's Day, Amazon announces that it will allow Alexa to respond to such insults, with the aim of raising awareness of verbal violence.

It will do so through the data provided by ActionAid on victims of violence in our country.

Users will be able to listen to information and insights related to this phenomenon, simply by saying 'Alexa, have your say'.

Furthermore, in the face of insults and offences, Alexa will respond by underlining how verbal violence is able to leave a profound impact on the health and social life of those who are subjected to it.

According to the latest data from ActionAid, among women who are facing a path out of violence, 66.7% have suffered physical violence, 50.7% a threat, 11.7% rape or attempted rape .

To these must be added the 14.4% who have suffered other types of sexual violence, such as physical and online harassment and revenge porn.

Out of 800 boys and girls interviewed by Ipsos for ActionAid, 27% say they suffer from psychological distress after the incident, with isolation and depression in second place (21%) and discomfort and shame in third place (18%).

"This important initiative is part of the projects that see Alexa as a concrete support for accessibility and social issues", underlines Giacomo Costantini, Business Development Manager at Amazon.

Among the initiatives already launched by the company, the collaboration with the Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired and the Italian Association of People with Down's Disorders.

Reproduction reserved © Copyright ANSA

Source: ansa

All life articles on 2024-03-05

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