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These 8 social media stars come from Baden-Württemberg


Highlights: These 8 social media stars come from Baden-Württemberg. Platforms such as Instagram, YouTube and Co. have already produced numerous celebrities. BW24 lists eight social mediastars from the German state of Wurtsland who have made the leap to the big time. They include Lisa Mantler and Lena Mantler, who became famous at the age of 13 through short clips on and TikTok, respectively. The eight stars are from Stuttgart, Stauffenberg, Bremen, Breslau, Dusseldorf, Dessau, Einsiedlitz, Düsseldorff, Erfurt, Essen, Wuppertal, Wurzburg and Wurttenburg.

Status: 29.11.2023, 16:32 PM

By: Nadja Pohr

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Lisa and Lena Mantler became famous at the age of 13 through short clips on © IMAGO/Robert Schmiegelt

Platforms such as Instagram, YouTube and Co. have already produced numerous celebrities. These eight social media stars come from Baden-Württemberg.

Stuttgart - Thanks to platforms like Instagram, YouTube or TikTok, it is much easier to become famous these days. BW24 lists eight social media stars from Baden-Württemberg who have made the leap.

Millions of people use social media platforms every day. Users can present themselves with their posts and videos on topics such as fitness, finance, cosmetics or fashion or interact directly with their community in livestreams.

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2023-11-29

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