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Gallant almost exploded. Once again Netanyahu left him out of the loop - voila! news


Highlights: A petition was submitted to the High Court regarding the impeachment of Prime Minister Netanyahu to fulfill his duties. The petition is unnecessary. Netanyahu has been impeached for a long time. The man is clearly incompetent. He is tainted by an inherent conflict of interest, distinct, extreme. He errs in hallucinations and delusions, oscillates between mania and depression. This man has only one anchor at the moment: a desperate instinct for survival to which must be added his eternal lust for power and of his family. Netanyahu needs to be removed from the Israeli government complex in a democratic way.

The battle between the Minister of Defense and the Prime Minister goes beyond all proportion, and brings the spirit of a kindergarten into the rooms where the war and Shabbat of the kidnapped are conducted. If the deal goes through or not, the days of the government in its current form are numbered. And meanwhile, on the northern front, Israel is paying for the neglect that lasted for generations

Netanyahu: The demonstrations of the families of the abductees only strengthen the demands of Hamas/Leam

This week a petition was submitted to the High Court regarding the impeachment of Prime Minister Netanyahu to fulfill his duties. The petition is unnecessary. Netanyahu has been impeached for a long time. There is no one in his cabinet who does not know this. There is no one around him who does not understand this. The man is clearly incompetent. He is tainted by an inherent conflict of interest , distinct, extreme. He is cut off from reality. He errs in hallucinations and delusions, oscillates between mania and depression, tossing between the waves and crises like a ship without sails, masts or rudders. This man has only one anchor at the moment: a desperate instinct for survival to which must be added his eternal lust for power and of his family.

And having said all this, I would not file a petition and I would not build on Nebzerat to remove Netanyahu, which is a goal that every Israeli patriot must dedicate. Nebzert is a tortuous path, controversial and devoid of an orderly constitutional anchoring. Nebzert is the last thing we need In order to finally tear apart the delicate tissue that was built here. Netanyahu needs to be removed from the Israeli government complex in a democratic way: early elections, constructive distrust, disillusionment within the Likud or a mass protest like it has never been here, which would have all of these. The moment is approaching when we will have to return to a democratic protest Powerful and far-reaching to make it clear to this man, to his Panchayat law community and to his family that this is it, we have reached the end.

end of track


To understand that Netanyahu is not qualified, one only has to look at him.

Almost every day he provides a fresh example that he has lost the remnants of discretion and the minimum responsibility required of a leader.

I choose to start this column with the most esoteric example of all: the pool in a villa in Caesarea.

Yes, you think it's gossip, that it's foam on the surface of the water (which we also pay for), that it's a small, marginal hedonism.

You turn a blind eye, because we got used to it.

Because the decades under the Netanyahu blackmail machine, with the never-ending journey of the rope, the endless appetite, the laundry bags and the flowers and the champagne and the plane and the bed and what not, all these exhausted us.

Benjamin Netanyahu/Flash 90, Miriam Ulster

But it is essential.

I remember how once, something like 14 years ago, the Netanyahu government imposed a drought tax on the public.

Israel dried up, water became a rare commodity and the government raised its price sharply to curb consumption, save the Kinneret and allow us to continue showering somehow.

In those very days, a demand came from Caesarea to pay the water bill for the family pool.

The CEO of the Prime Minister's Office at the time was Eyal Gabbay. A serious man with receipts. He took himself, entered Netanyahu's office and explained to him, so that he would understand, that he cannot impose a drought tax on the public and at the same time fill his private pool with water at the public's expense It wasn't easy, but in the end Netanyahu relented. No one knows how he explained it at home, to whom it should be explained, and how he survived. The one who survived the least was Gabbay himself. Not long after, he found himself in the CEO's cemetery "To Netanyahu's sea, where lie the metaphorical corpses of those who did not agree to sign anything.

Then came the corona virus.

In the midst of the crisis, in the most difficult days, when close to a million Israelis went out on hunger strike and did not know if they would be able to feed their children next week as well, the residents of Balfour sent Miki Zohar to the finance committee to siphon another million shekels from the cash coffers of all of us for the benefit of the family, in the form of "tax refunds By the way, this is a tax that was collected from the family for benefits that they did not receive at all (maintenance of the villa in Caesarea), but who is counting. Even then it was clear that the little discretion that remained somewhere between the prime minister's left ear and his right ear reached the red line.

And now, it turns out that there is no Bottom of the barrel. We are in the middle of the hardest war in our history, since the war of independence. Hundreds of thousands of refugees in their country are living in hotel rooms and makeshift solutions. 136 abductees, among them women, elderly and sick, are still dying in the Hamas tunnels in Gaza. The IDF continues to fight and soldiers continue to fall.

The south and the north are deserted.

Hezbollah turned the border line into a private range.

The economy is groaning, unemployment is rising, national depression is skyrocketing and no one sees any ray of light at the end of the tunnel.

Well, Netanyahu's actually has such a ray of light because in the middle of all this they are now demanding to renovate their private pool, at our expense.

There is no one who will be able to explain there, to those who have difficulty understanding, that this is not acceptable.

That doesn't make sense.

that is impossible.

which is absolutely insane.

which is systems madness.

They just don't do such a thing.

Not in war and not at all.

There is no one to explain that in the Prime Minister's environment for a long time there is not a collection stag who will knock on the table and say "Sir, it's not".

What is there is a collector, who is in charge of the petty cash, who spares nothing to please the endless appetite of Caesarea.

So the accountant at the Ministry of Finance resigned in protest?

who cares

At the next press conference, Netanyahu will replace "I fight Hamas and you fight me" with something like "I fight Hashem and you fight me", and no one will notice.

Because as mentioned, we got used to it.

at an exclusive discount

The Israeli company that invented hair removers does it again

In collaboration with Epilady

Yoav Galant/Uri Sela

At the head of the State of Israel stands a man who is unable to prevent his family members from committing these crimes during wartime.

And not in peacetime.

How will we expect him to deal with Yahya Sanwar?

How can we expect him to convince Biden to allow us humanitarian leverage on Hamas?

How can we expect him to calm down the rant of Ben Gabir, who is trying with all his might to inflame Yosh as well? How can we expect him to prevent the decision to advance the recruitment of preparatory school students and the year of service, the public that contributes the most to the IDF, instead of recruiting those who do not serve?

How can we expect him to close the unnecessary government offices?

Drain the coalition funds?

To say out loud that Tali Gottlieb's blood plots are nonsense and bad power?

To say with his voice, with a full mouth and with full intention, that there are no traitors among us?

That's it, we no longer expect anything from him.

Nothing a sane leader is supposed to do threatens us from his direction.

The only thing that is accepted completely naturally when it comes from him, is the renovation of a private pool during wartime.

Let's move on to the serious issues: the cabinet sent all the heavy guns to the meeting in Paris: the head of the Mossad Dedi Barnea, the head of the Shin Bet Ronan Bar, Major General Nitzan Alon. This was a statement of intent about the seriousness of the Israeli government to reach a deal. The trio went with a mandate and put forward an Israeli proposal. They sat in front of them. No less heavy guns: the head of the CIA, the head of Egyptian intelligence, the prime minister of Qatar. At stake are the lives of 136 Israelis, most of them innocent civilians who were abandoned by their country and their army for an entire day last October. The Israeli government, the IDF, the Shev The police, all of these were no match for them. They were thrown to the dogs. Now they must be returned. Israel will not be the same country if it does not fulfill this task. It will become a fictitious country. The

Israeli proposal is reasonable: a first step in which the women (including female soldiers) will be released, The adults and the sick. 35 kidnapped for 35 days of respite (with an option to continue negotiations for another week).

In the second pulse, soldiers, members of standby classes and young men will be released.

In the third beat, corpses.

What has not been discussed yet, nor has it come up in any way, is the number of prisoners that Israel will be required to release.

In all plans and scenarios it was agreed not to talk about this number.

They leave it open, vague, until Hamas responds to the Israeli proposal.

And what did Netanyahu do?

He immediately issued a public statement, in his own voice, that "we will not release thousands of prisoners."

That is, he put the issue of numbers on the table, with his voice and initiative.

He violated all the summaries, kicked the action plan, mocked the negotiation strategy that had been formulated.

The Americans exploded at him. Many Israelis did too. "Professional elements" in the negotiation team expressed bewilderment and surprise at Netanyahu's words.

Not to mention, they expressed outrage and astonishment.

What was going through his mind with these childish and unnecessary announcements?

what is he trying to do

Many senior officials were heard, for the first time, talking about Netanyahu as someone who is not worthy, who is not capable, that no one understands what he is doing and where he is aiming.

And all this, when we are at war.

There are two options: either the prime minister has lost control of his mouthpiece and is uncontrollable, or everything is done on purpose and he is trying to blow up with his right hand the deal he is trying to promote with his left hand.

Both options are equally bad.

Both options indicate complete incompetence.

I support, of course, the second option.

Classic Bibi.

Ariel Sharon once asked him, at the Likud Center, "Which hand of the Prime Minister am I supposed to help, the right hand or the left hand?"

Netanyahu taught the whole world not to negotiate with terrorists, and freed 1047 prisoners in a Shalit deal. Netanyahu solemnly announced annexation, and at the last minute he regretted and went for peace with the Emirates. He declared countless times that he would establish a right-wing government, and established governments with the left. He is a terrorist And they told us that he was "strong against Hamas", but was the weakest ever against Hamas. This is a silhouette disguised as a leader, an aerial boa that changes shape and color, a chameleon with a fast tail that changes colors at lightning speed, according to the relevant threats.

Itamar Ben Gabir/image processing, Yonatan Zindel/Flash 90

Netanyahu is more sophisticated than all chameleons and silhouettes: he is able to wear several characters at the same time.

It does not need to be turned upside down, it is upside down from the house.

All the characters are embodied in it, at the same time.

It's just a matter of deciding which one he's playing at any given moment.

So when he meets the families of the abductees, he promotes the deal, but when he speaks in front of my husband's right-wing audience, he sabotages it.

When he talks to Eisenkot and Gantz he is in favor of the deal, but when he mentions Ben Gvir and Smotrich he is against it.

When he's in front of Biden, he wants a deal, when he's in front of his right-wing base, he doesn't.

And so on.

He does all this with complete naturalness.

He doesn't think it's a problem to dance at all the weddings and pass on all the sections at the same time.

On the contrary, it is his preferred mode.

Even now, he continues to promote a resounding geo-political regional series, which will also include a Palestinian state, with the aim of changing his bitter fate (and our fate, which was even bitterer than him) at the last moment and creating for himself a counter-legacy to the October 7th massacre.

According to the plan, devised by one of his close associates, a well-known Israeli businessman, Israel will establish a full military government in Gaza that will take over the powers for all humanitarian aid and treatment of the population, until the establishment of the new body, which will be called the "New Palestinian Authority", with the cooperation of the Saudis, the Arabs, Egypt and other parties.

After its establishment, Israel will transfer the stick of Gaza to this body and sign the historic peace with Saudi Arabia.

This program was also introduced to the Americans.

They know that Bibi is related to her, but they also know, from experience, that at the moment of truth he will deny her.

And it has a continuation, to the plan: after the normalization with Saudi Arabia and the settlement of the Gaza issue, a comprehensive reform will be carried out in the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, the old guard will disappear, Israeli forces will monitor what is happening, the incitement will stop, and then it will be possible to resume negotiations on the establishment of a Palestinian state.

In other words, Israel is returning to the two-state solution.

Don't hold your breath, it won't happen on Netanyahu's watch.

If this happens, he will already be after a plea deal.

What will he get out of all this?

He hopes his Wikipedia entry opens with the historic peace with Saudi Arabia, and not with the horrors of October 7th.

He will be disappointed to find that nothing, certainly not normalization with Saudi Arabia, will change his future Wikipedia value or any value related to it.

Whatever happens, it's hard to believe that there will ever be a more toxic and harmful leader than this man.

Abu Mazen/Reuters

Does this plan sound imaginary to you?

Rightfully so.

Netanyahu always made big plans and then did small things.

But he plays with her.

Unlike the previous times when he conducted global negotiations with Assad Sr., Assad Jr., Arafat or Abu Mazen, this time Netanyahu knows that this is the last time. There will be no time to fix. There will be no time to improve. Does this increase the chances that this time he will jump into the water and leave About that? I don't know.

As he weaves the details of this plan with Ron Dermer and launches it into another round in Washington, he is convinced that it will happen. Just as he was convinced that the annexation would happen. Just as he was convinced that a great many things that didn't happen, will happen. In the end, he just decides At the last second, according to the sum of his fears and scares at that moment. Unfortunately, he did not lack fears or scares and the reason is that he is the biggest disaster that has happened to us since the establishment of the state.

Oddly enough, this big deal that Netanyahu is toying with is clearly possible. The Saudis are very interested. It is not It's us, it's them. The inputs they're supposed to receive from the American government are enormous. A defense alliance, unlimited weapons and means of warfare, and of course a civilian nuclear. For us, this business is much less worthwhile, but Netanyahu sees it as the vision of everything. The third side, Washington, is also interested. An achievement This kind of thing will breathe life into President Biden's tired sails. But there is a deadline. In the talks between the parties, the Americans made it clear that Netanyahu has to decide now.

Their due date is March 10th.

You don't need to complete all the details by then, but you do need to shake hands.

This is in a month and a few days.

Right now, when you look at the sock puppet who is the head of the Israeli government, it's hard to imagine this happening.

He was interviewed this week by the British journalist Ohad Israel Douglas Murray.

This interview also proved that the man is not responsible for his actions or lies.

Murray, one of the most wonderful of our supporters in the face of the global industry of lies and anti-Semitism, asked him about the concept he led according to which Hamas can be controlled by economic means and asked him why he did not remove the threat of Hamas when it could have been done relatively easily.

In response, Netanyahu gave one of the most delusional monologues ever heard from his mouth.

On the face of it, it was an eloquent logical explanation of how he warned against Hamas and wanted to overthrow Hamas but he had no legitimacy and there was internal opposition and external opposition and what not.

After all, anyone who wasn't born two weeks ago knows that there was not a single word of truth, truth-like or imitation of truth in this explanation.

He invents an alternative reality and speaks it live in front of the nation, shamelessly.

After all, he explained to us dozens of times why we should continue to push the tens of millions of dollars to Yahya Sanwar.

He talked about humanitarian.

He explained in many interviews that "only I will decide on the timing" and listed a thousand and one excuses, poor and insulting, why he does not have the courage to fulfill his promise to overthrow the Hamas regime in Gaza.

He had full legitimacy to do that.

His Minister of Defense Lieberman threatened to resign if this did not happen (and fulfilled his threat).

Another security minister, Naftali Bennett, as mentioned above. The same Bennett forced him to destroy several tunnels in the "Tzuk Eitan" operation, otherwise this would not have happened either. His voters in the Gaza Envelope begged him to rescue them from the tyranny of the Qassams. Now he is simply trying to rewrite all of this and create A new world. "I've always opposed agreements with Hamas," said Lamari, and it was impossible not to burst out. After all, this man had an ongoing affair with Yahya Sanwar, which also included an exchange of notes on an almost romantic background.

Is he knowingly lying?

Does he believe his own lies?

Both options are equally bad.

Ron Drummer/Flash 90, Jonathan Zindel

Will there be a kidnapping deal?

It's hard to know.

No one in the war cabinet is willing to pay "any price".

Neither Gantz nor Eisenkot.

No one in the war cabinet is willing to stop the war for a deal.

Ready for a long break, ready for a painful price.

The poll published this week on Channel 12 and showing that 50% of the public opposes a deal that would include the release of thousands of terrorists (35% support) is a conditional poll.

No deal yet, no numbers released, no conditions.

The positions of the public, which are tested in many in-depth tests, are much simpler: a large majority of the public supports the principle that first the abductees should be released and then Hamas should be burned.

A majority of the public opposes the lawlessness of thousands of Hamas and Nahba murderers being released.

And everyone is working on an outline like this now.

That means almost everyone: the Qataris, the Egyptians, the Americans and the ministers of the war cabinet.

All of them, except one, who works twice: both for and against.

At the meeting on Saturday night, a mishap occurred (again) that under normal circumstances would have caused a huge commotion, but in our circumstances it was also accepted almost as routine: during the discussion, the ministers were presented with a detailed document for dealing with the abductees prepared by the Mossad and the professional ranks with the cooperation of the Prime Minister's people. The point is that no one He did not share this document with Defense Minister Galant and his staff, and the IDF, that is, the Chief of Staff and his men. They were exposed to him for the first time during the meeting.

Galant almost exploded. He was again left out of the loop. Even the ministers of the state camp were informed. What is the wonder that two days later -Three times, he appointed Tal Lev-Ram as commander of the Gali IDF (a most appropriate appointment) without coordinating it with the Prime Minister's office.

This battle, between the Minister of Defense and the Prime Minister, is starting to get out of all proportion.

Gallant is also furious with the head of the Mossad, Dedi Barnea, who (according to Gallant people) is cooperating with Netanyahu, against the minister.

The only problem is that in the midst of this kindergarten riot, we have to conduct a war, a state, a complex negotiation for the release of hostages and a multi-arena campaign pending. In Netanyahu's defense, it should be mentioned that he even fired Galant. So what is he jumping to.

Will Itamar Ben Gabir dissolve the government In the event that there is a hostage deal in which the fighting ceases for many weeks and hundreds of terrorists are released? It is difficult to know. Ben-Gvir has become a serial threat, but I am not sure that he is ripe for retirement. "Otzma Yehudit" is the only party in the coalition that is gaining mandates in the current situation. Ben-Gvir was, until recently, Persona non grata in the Israeli electorate. He failed in all his attempts to cross the threshold. Some of the failures were stinging. The first and only time he passed was when Netanyahu slapped him in Smotrich and forced a union on them.

And here, almost overnight, he's flirting with double digits in the polls He is managing to gather right-wing votes that previously disliked him. He is building a base for himself. He stands on his own merits. He started the term with about half of Smotrich's mandates and now he has almost double. He will make the decision to retire at the last minute, but Netanyahu is also preparing He knows that in the event of a deal and Smotrich leaving, the government will not fall.

Lapid promised to help, Lieberman may also help, we have already talked about Gantz and Eisenkot.

In that case, Netanyahu will be able to close with the state camp on an agreed election date.

The result will be the release of the hostages from the captivity of Hamas, but also the release of the hostage Netanyahu, who is being held by the extreme right (with thousands of differences, of course).

If the deal doesn't happen?

Even then, the days of the government in its current form are numbered.

The fighting in Gaza has moved to the point phase.

The IDF's military presence in the Gaza Strip has been significantly reduced.

The reserves were released.

Most of the massive work has been done, now we need to continue on a small fire and steadily, until the destruction of the governmental and military infrastructure of Hamas is complete.

In such a situation, Gantz and Eisenkot are no longer needed in the government.

Their withdrawal can also signal the renewal of the protest.

What can delay their retirement?

The north front.

The real and significant threat to Israel's security, at this moment.

The entanglement there is big and complex.

In Israel there is talk of entering into a round of fighting against Hezbollah that will be "lower in terms of intensity than an all-out war".

The parties will maintain their boundaries, such as not harming Beirut and Tel Aviv, but they will cause each other considerable damage. Will such a round solve the problem? Very doubtful. One way or another, Israel is now paying the price of years of neglect in the north. It is doubtful whether the leadership Our current one, in its problematic configuration, is able to make the necessary decisions here.

Idit Silman and the accused in her assault/image processing, police spokesmen

A few words about what the Israel Police is going through.

It began in the unimaginable saga with the filing of the indictment against Jordana Man, who is accused of slapping Sarah Idit Silman.

The rushed treatment, the request for 5 days in prison, the hasty filing of the indictment, the fact that Silman did not intend to hand over to the police what she took from her cell phone and that there is no documentation of the attack itself, all of these raised bewilderment at best, disgust at worst.

All this while hundreds of similar complaints are at best ignored.

Dozens of citizens who filmed their attackers, also on video, are talking to the walls at the police stations.

Charges are not filed, complaints are not handled, thugs, assaulters of women and just violent people roam freely among us and no one takes any action against them, but a special education teacher who has a child on the spectrum at home and has no criminal record was treated by a serious criminal terrorist.

The arrest this week of Rami Matan, the hero of the Chinese farm, 73 years old, on "suspicion" that he painted graffiti on the Kirya wall in Tel Aviv, already belongs to the world of the grotesque.

Matan has been demonstrating against Netanyahu for years.

A completely normal citizen, without a criminal record, among those who saved the State of Israel in that war.

The very fact that the Tel Aviv police bothered and sent three detectives to arrest a man in his home for graffiti should shock us.

They didn't have a shred of evidence against Matan, who is the last to write any address against the IDF. They conducted a humiliating search of his house, they took him to the station, he had a high fever but that didn't help him. It

took them quite a while to realize that they were offside. No There was a responsible adult there to tell them to get off the tree and reset themselves. The feeling is that the police have already completely aligned themselves with the minister in charge of them. The commissioner received his extension, now it is possible to live up to the moral backbone and the professional codes and become a militia.

Matan was released a short time later.

No one bothered to apologize to him.

Even in the previous incident in Tel Aviv, when police officers tore signs from the hands of 80-year-old protesters, claiming that the signs "hurt public sentiments", no apology was issued. This business is getting out of control.

Israel Police officers saved many lives on October 7. They stood up to the burst and defended on the people of Israel in their bodies. Unfortunately, now we need to recruit someone to protect the people of Israel from a police that becomes a political tool and loses direction. If there is not a quick recovery, the next protest will not be against the government, but against the police. It will be a democratic protest of a freedom-seeking people, And she would be right.

  • More on the same topic:

  • Benjamin Netanyahu

  • Itamar Ben Gabir

  • Hamas

  • Yoav Galant

Source: walla

All news articles on 2024-02-02

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