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Princess Kate seen for first time since hospitalization


Highlights: Princess Kate seen for first time since hospitalization. The 42-year-old princess was hospitalized on January 16 for abdominal surgery. Kate is convalescing at the family home in Windsor, west London, and is not expected to return to action until Easter, March 31. Prince William decided on Tuesday at the last moment to attend a ceremony in memory of his godfather, King Constantine of Greece, at Windsor Castle, for “a personal reason”, according to the royal services.

The 42-year-old princess was hospitalized on January 16 for abdominal surgery. The reasons for this intervention

Kate Middleton was seen in public on Monday for the first time since her hospitalization in mid-January, several British media reported, while specialized American media published a photo of the Princess of Wales in a car near London.

The 42-year-old princess was hospitalized on January 16 for abdominal surgery.

The reasons for this intervention remain unknown, but it is not cancer, according to British media.

Also read: Kate's mysterious hospitalization shakes the United Kingdom

Publishing a photo and citing an eyewitness, American celebrity media outlet Entertainment Tonight claimed that Princess Kate was seen near London on Monday morning.

Kate Middleton is seen for the first time since abdominal surgery in January amid growing concerns she had "gone missing."

The Princess of Wales was seen this morning briefly with her mom Carole who was driving.

— Entertainment Tonight (@etnow) March 4, 2024

In the photo that the British media have decided not to publish, the wife of the heir to the throne, wearing black sunglasses, is a passenger in a vehicle driven by her mother.

According to the Daily Mail, the image was not released in the United Kingdom because Kensington Palace, the official residence of the royal couple, "urged that she be allowed to recover in private."

Convalescence at the family home in Windsor

The palace had specified at the time of her hospitalization that it would last 10 to 14 days, a relatively long duration which had given rise to numerous speculations in the British tabloids, of which the princess often makes the front page.

Also read: United Kingdom: how the irreplaceable Kate became “the most important person” in the royal family

Hugely popular in the UK, Kate is convalescing at the family home in Windsor, west London, and is not expected to return to action until Easter, March 31.

Prince William had decided on Tuesday at the last moment to attend a ceremony in memory of his godfather, King Constantine of Greece, at Windsor Castle, for “a personal reason”, according to the royal services.

The palace “did not want to give further details”, but indicated that “the Princess of Wales, who is recovering from abdominal surgery, continues to do well”, according to the British agency PA .

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2024-03-05

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