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Bayern-PK in front of Freiburg today in the live ticker: Is Sané out longer, Mr. Tuchel?


Highlights: Bayern-PK in front of Freiburg today in the live ticker: Is Sané out longer, Mr. Tuchel?. Bayern CEO Jan-Christian Dreesen appeals to players: “You must feel grabbed by the honor” FC Bayern is reportedly planning a monster salary for its dream coach Alonsolesen. “Iron-hard defender’s son (9) has the talent of Papalesen,” says Matthäus’ son.

As of: February 29, 2024, 10:06 a.m

By: Korbinian Kothny




FC Bayern is already challenged in Freiburg on Friday.

There are concerns about Leroy Sané before the Bundesliga game.

The PK with Thomas Tuchel in the live ticker.

  • FC Bayern PK with Thomas Tuchel before Freiburg game;

    Thursday, 12.30 p.m

  • Worries about


    : Is it enough for



  • The

    live ticker

    is continuously updated.

Munich – Will FC Bayern bring more excitement to the championship fight?

With a win on Friday in Freiburg, Thomas Tuchel's team could reduce the gap to leaders Leverkusen to five points, at least overnight.

To do this, the Munich team first has to survive in Breisgau on sports director Max Eberl's first day at work.

Eberl is not writing off the season yet

The stars have a responsibility and, according to the new Bayern boss, outgoing coach Thomas Tuchel should make “the impossible” possible in the seemingly hopeless hunt for league leaders Bayer Leverkusen.

“I want to win titles,” said Eberl during his introduction.

And yes, he still sees a chance for trophies even in this so far chaotic season.

In the league, despite being eight points behind Bayer, and in the Champions League, despite losing the first leg in the round of 16 at Lazio.

The Italians come to Munich on Tuesday.

Thomas Tuchel faces the press before the Bundesliga game in Freiburg.

© IMAGO/Eibner press photo/Sascha Walther

Bayern CEO Dreesen appeals to players: “You must feel grabbed by the honor”

The reaction of the stars in the 2-1 win against Leipzig to the separation from Tuchel, which was announced before he took office, gave him “a good feeling,” said Eberl.

“The boys on the pitch have their demands, Thomas will do everything to have a great farewell,” he explained, “and we will do everything to ensure that we can all maybe even celebrate it together.”

Therefore, CEO Jan-Christian Dreesen appealed internally to the professionals.

“I told the players emphatically that their personal interests must come second to those of the club and the team,” he told Sport


: “The most important thing is FC Bayern.

The players must now bring the quality to the pitch that they undoubtedly have and they must feel grabbed for the honor.”

My news

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Worries about Sané: Is it enough for Freiburg?

Eberl was in the same vein when, with a view to the impending upheaval, he emphasized that everyone was playing on probation.

Only those who show “heart and soul” for FC Bayern have a future with the record champions.

He wants to see that immediately in his debut in Freiburg, the 2000th Bundesliga game (1206 wins) for Munich - and the sixth win in a row against SC.

It is questionable whether Leroy Sané can be involved.

The offensive star, who has been suffering from repeated problems recently, was only able to work individually on Wednesday.

Is it enough for use on Friday?

Thomas Tuchel will give an answer at the press conference (Thursday, 12.30 p.m.).

We report here in the live ticker.




Source: merkur

All sports articles on 2024-02-29

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