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PSG: positive trend for Marquinhos and Danilo before Real Sociedad


Highlights: PSG: positive trend for Marquinhos and Danilo before Real Sociedad. PSG hopes to recover its two defenders for the round of 16 second leg of the Champions League, in three days, in Spain. The latest feedback from the PSG Campus is positive. PSG has good hopes of having both players fit for the trip to San Sebastian, Tuesday evening, to face Real Sociesiedad in the last 16 of the UEFA Champions League. The club has 48 hours to observe carefully.

PSG hopes to recover its two defenders for the round of 16 second leg of the Champions League, in three days, in Spain, and has good hopes

48 hours to observe carefully.

We will have to follow their feelings over the next few hours to be sure that Marquinhos and Danilo will be on the trip to the Basque Country to face Real Sociedad on Tuesday evening, in the round of 16 second leg of the Champions League.

The latest feedback from the PSG Campus is positive.

While several players like Kylian Mbappé went out on the field this Saturday morning to clean up and kick a few balls the day after the draw in Monaco (0-0), Paris hopes to recover all its strength to the trip to San Sebastian, Tuesday evening, in the round of 16 second leg of the Champions League.

If he has not yet fully resumed with the rest of the team, Marquinhos should return to collective training this Sunday with the hope of appearing in the group which will face Real Sociedad on Tuesday evening.

Those around the Parisian club are optimistic for the Brazilian defender who has been suffering from calf pain since the trip to Nantes 15 days ago.

A return of Danilo is not excluded either.

Forfeited for the match at the Louis II stadium this weekend, due to pain in the right thigh felt during training on Friday, the Portuguese underwent examinations which ruled out long-term unavailability.

Back to training!


— Paris Saint-Germain (@PSG_inside) March 2, 2024

Only three days before the crucial match that awaits the Parisians, he remains uncertain but the staff, who will not take any risks, think that there is a chance that he could be in the game.

Training on Sunday and Monday promises to be decisive in both cases.

News should also come from Marco Asensio, who felt pain in his right leg which forced him to come out before the break on the Rock.

Source: leparis

All sports articles on 2024-03-02

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