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PSG: why Luis Enrique no longer hesitates to sideline Kylian Mbappé


Highlights: Kylian Mbappé will no longer systematically play all of Paris Saint-Germain's matches between now and the end of the season. Luis Enrique intends to prepare for next season and this is the argument he developed after the last two meetings. “It’s very simple, sooner or later we have to get used to playing without Kylian. When I want him to play, I make him play, and when I don’t want to, it's the same,” he explains.

Since the announcement of Kylian Mbappé's departure at the end of the season, the coach has changed his plans. He now uses L 1 to prepare the

We'll have to get used to it: Kylian Mbappé will no longer systematically play all of Paris Saint-Germain's matches between now and the end of the season.

After starting on the bench against Nantes (2-0, February 17) and coming off in the 65th minute against Rennes (1-1) last Sunday then at half-time Friday evening in Monaco (0-0), Luis Enrique intends to prepare for next season and this is the argument he developed after the last two meetings.

“It’s very simple, sooner or later we have to get used to playing without Kylian.

When I want him to play, I make him play, and when I don’t want to, it’s the same,” he explains, thus “officially” confirming the star’s departure at the end of the season.


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Source: leparis

All sports articles on 2024-03-02

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