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TSV 1860 Munich against SSV Ulm now live on TV and stream: The 3rd league is running here


Highlights: TSV 1860 Munich against SSV Ulm now live on TV and stream: The 3rd league is running here.. As of: March 2, 2024, 3:17 p.m By: Sascha Mehr CommentsPressSplit On the 28th matchday of the 3 third league, TSV 1860 meets SSVUlm. We'll show you where and how you can watch the game live onTV and in the live stream. BR and SWR will broadcast the game on free TV.

As of: March 2, 2024, 3:17 p.m

By: Sascha Mehr




On the 28th matchday of the 3rd league, TSV 1860 Munich meets SSV Ulm.

How to watch the game live on TV and stream.

Munich – The game on the 28th matchday in the 3rd league between TSV 1860 Munich and SSV Ulm will take place on Saturday, March 2nd, 2024, at 2 p.m. in Munich.

We'll show you where and how you can watch the game live on TV and in the live stream.

TSV 1860 Munich against SSV Ulm: 3rd league live on free TV?

  • The broadcasters




    will broadcast the game between

    TSV 1860 Munich and SSV Ulm live


    free TV


  • The TV rights for the

    3rd league

    are currently shared by the streaming provider

    Magenta Sport



    with their third programs.

TSV 1860 Munich against SSV Ulm: 3rd league live on Magenta Sport

  • The streaming provider 

    Magenta Sport

    will  broadcast

    the game in the 3rd league between 

    TSV 1860 Munich and SSV Ulm


    in the linear program

    and in the

    live stream .

  • The broadcast of the game starts on 

    March 2, 2024, at 1:30 p.m.

     with the preliminary reports, and 

     the kick-off sounds at

    2 p.m.

  • To


    Magenta Sport , you need a paid subscription.

TSV 1860 Munich against SSV Ulm: Who will win?

The 28th matchday is coming up in the 3rd league and TSV 1860 Munich welcomes SSV Ulm to the stadium on Grünwalder Straße.

The Lions want to continue their winning streak against the strong newcomers, even if it won't be easy.

The people of Ulm are having a very strong season and are fighting for promotion to the 2nd Bundesliga.

Last matchday, TSV 1860 Munich continued its successful streak in the 3rd league thanks to renewed match winner Julian Guttau.

The Lions won 1-0 at SC Verl and overtook the East Westphalians in the table.

As twelfth in the table, the Munich team now has a sufficient lead over the relegation places with 38 points.

In the climbing tour under the new coach Argirios Giannikis, 1860 can now set their sights on the top half of the table.

His team has now gone eight games in a row without defeat.

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The Lions meet Ulm.

© IMAGO/Noah Wedel

SSV Ulm played 0-0 against FC Ingolstadt on the last matchday and remains unbeaten in 2024.

The “Spatzen” are in third place in the 3rd league table and are sniffing their way into the 2nd league.




Source: merkur

All sports articles on 2024-03-02

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