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VfB coach Hoeneß gives some insight into Bayern's interest


Highlights: VfB coach Hoeneß gives some insight into Bayern's interest.. As of: March 2, 2024, 9:57 p.m By: Niklas Noack CommentsPressSplit VfBCoach Sebastian Hoeneüss is on the sidelines against VfL Wolfsburg. VfF Stuttgart beat Wolfsburg 3-1 on Saturday night. Serhou Guirassy scored twice for the Swabians. Josha Vagnoman also scored a goal for the hosts.

As of: March 2, 2024, 9:57 p.m

By: Niklas Noack




VfB coach Sebastian Hoeneß is on the sidelines against VfL Wolfsburg.

© IMAGO/osnapix/Titgemeyer

VfB Stuttgart wins against Wolfsburg and dreams of the premier class.

But their successful coach Hoeneß could be poached by Bayern.

Wolfsburg/Stuttgart - On an exciting Saturday evening in Wolfsburg, the Swabians once again presented themselves as a top team.



you can now read what VfB coach Hoeneß says about his Champions League dreams, what Bayern's interest in him is doing to him and how long his uncle Uli hasn't contacted him.

VfB Stuttgart didn't allow itself to be disturbed by Wolfsburg's petty behavior.

Serhou Guirassy scored twice for the Swabians and Josha Vagnoman also scored a goal.

But what does VfB Stuttgart's route look like for the rest of the season?

You can read all about it in the article mentioned above.

The editor Niklas Noack wrote this article and then used an AI language model for optimization at his own discretion.

All information has been carefully checked.

Source: merkur

All sports articles on 2024-03-02

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