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Champions League: UEFA confirms and explains its new competitions from next season


Highlights: UEFA confirms and explains its new competitions from next season. In 2024/2025, the Champions League, as well as the two other club competitions organized by UEFA, will change formats for more matches, and the revenue generated by them. UEFA has managed to create more matches than before to generate a better revenue to distribute between the participating clubs. 2 team matches are added to the first round, then a round-trip play-off session. Finally, the new format proposed to counter Florentino Perez's Super League looks strangely like it...

In 2024/2025, the Champions League, as well as the two other club competitions organized by UEFA, will change formats for more matches, and the revenue generated by them.

As announced since 2021, the new format of the Champions League in competition with the European Club Super League project, was confirmed by UEFA in a short video.

For 1 minute and 42 seconds only, the new features introduced for the 3 European competitions from the 2024/2025 season are explained.

First of all, the group stage of 4 is over.

Make way for a general classification of the now 36 clubs involved (instead of 32 before), in which the teams will play 8 matches each.

Still according to a hat system ranking the best formations, everyone will have to play 2 matches against a member of pot 1, 2 of pot 2, 2 of pot 3 and 2 of pot 4, each time with a reception and a move.

To discover

  • Schedule and results Champions League

  • Champions League standings

At the end of this first round, the first 8 in the general table are directly qualified for the round of 16, while those from 9 to 24 compete in play-offs, the rest (from 25 to 26) are eliminated.

Then, the knockout tournament resumes its


course, made up of back and forth matches, from the eighth to the final, including quarters and semis.

With this formula, UEFA has managed to create more matches than before to generate a better revenue to distribute between the participating clubs.

2 team matches are added to the first round, then a round-trip play-off session, a greater diversity of matches, and especially this championship of 36. Finally, the new format proposed to counter Florentino Perez's Super League looks strangely like it ...

Source: lefigaro

All sports articles on 2024-03-05

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