Holding events online in the event of interruptions or phenomena of intolerance at the university "is like giving in to blackmail and it's not right," says Claudia Caporusso, president of Sapienza Futura. For the student, the university "is a free place.

You can demonstrate peacefully but not impede initiatives," she adds. After Covid, "it was so difficult to return to the presence, holding events online again wouldn't make sense," she explains. "We have often discussed the topic of mobilizations with the rector Antonella Polimeni. She is not the first to do this," she says of the university's rector. "The rector speaks with the representatives elected in the bodies that represent all students," says the president of the first list of universities that have its own representatives in the central bodies and on the board of directors. "Free academic research must not and cannot be subjected to pressure due to its typically universalistic character," says one student.